3 Things My Website Needs

Photo by o0o0xmods0o0o
The latest challenge in Natalie Sisson’s 30 Day Blogging Challenge focuses on websites. Specifically, how to create a website without breaking the bank. Here is today’s writing prompt:
What three things would you most like your website to have and how will you go about getting them?
1. An Audience
The most important part of a website is the audience. Without readers, you have nothing.
One way to get an audience is to create great content. “Epic content,” as Corbett Barr would say, posted regularly to ensure the search engines take notice.
There are dozens of ways to generate traffic, from guest posting to writing a book to becoming active on forums and social media.
For me, I can see posting on my own site twice per week. In addition, I can spend an hour or two each week posting on social media and other, related blogs if invited.
2. Content That Educates, Entertains and Converts to sales.
Critical to my success is creating how-to types of posts that help readers with a specific task. “Being myself” is very important, as it will allow my readers to meet the “real” me, without any sugar coating.
Once I establish a positive relationship with my readers, they will likely want to give back to me. It’s the Law of Reciprocity at work, but with no expectations for any of my readers to actually buy something.
Don’t get me wrong. I would love to see my readers buy something on my site, but I won’t expect it. Sales will be serendipitous and will occur if I deliver exceptional value from the very beginning.
3. A Product to Sell
This seems daunting, at best, but doable. The idea is to create a product consistent with the goals of my readers instead of something I would call “cool.” Ideally, the product will teach something of real value.
Another good reason to connect and engage with my readers is to find out what they want or need. If they don’t want it, I shouldn’t build it.
With an audience, the right content and a product to sell, my site will be a lot closer serving the needs of my readers an of making money.
Next Actions:
- Keep posting content on my website, creating and adding an opt-in option for readers who want to subscribe.
- Create a list of 50 topics and possible article titles that would be consistent with what my audience wants or needs.
- Get started on my how-to product.
If you want a great reference on how to create and promote content, Neil Patel created several epic guides to help. The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing is a great place to start.
This post is today’s answer to The 30 Day Blog Challenge for August 18, 2013.